Best Price Guarantee
The Criss Angel Theater is broken down into 11 sections and has been constructed so all seats have unobstructed views of each show. Sections 101 – 103 are at the front of the showroom and are located closest to the stage. Located in the middle of the room are Sections 201 – 203. The final five sections, 301 – 305, are placed in the rear of the showroom. Sections 102, 202, and 303 are located in the center of the while the remaining sections are more to the left and right sides.

What Seats Offer The Best View
The best seats to experience Criss Angel’s show would be in Section 102. They are closest to the stage and placed in the center of the showroom. While they do provided the ultimate viewing experience, they also have the highest price tag.
Which Seats Offer The Best Value
Finding seats with the best value is not too difficult. We suggest purchasing tickets from Section 202. With tickets from this section are you in the center of the showroom, not too far back, and at a fantastic price point.
Find The Best Criss Angel Mindfreak Seats – Use the seating map to select and compare all seating options.
About The Criss Angel Theater
The Criss Angel Theater is located on the level above the casino floor at the Planet Hollywood Hotel in Las Vegas. It provides fantastic seats to easily view the entire show with advanced lighting and video production technologies. With over 1,000 seats this is one of the a larger showrooms on The Strip.
Bonus Takeaway – The theater includes immersive 3D and video mapping, over 150 speakers for start of the art sound, and an interactive lobby .