“O” Dress Code

O Dress Code

We often get asked what should I wear to see the “O” show by Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas. The answer is you will end up seeing people wearing a full range of attire from suits and dresses to casual wear. No matter what you choose to wear you can feel assured there will be people more dressed up than you, and also less dress than you. You won’t feel out of place, we promise. While there is not an “O” dress code that is etched in stone, we can offer some suggestions.


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Often times it is smart to consider where you will be heading before or after the show. The good thing is all choices of clothing will be ok for watching “O”. The Bellagio in general is a more upscale property on The Strip, so you might go with leaning more dressy when selecting what to wear. All in all go with what is most comfortable to you.

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